Sunday, January 31, 2010
One Month Mark! Email January 29, 2009
Next Thursday we start teaching in Spanish at the TRC! I'm not sure if I'm ready but we'll give it our best. My testimony keeps growing daily! The church is true!
Love Elder Flake
Friday, January 22, 2010
January 22, 2010 Email
-Love Elder Flake
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Letter Jan. 19, 2010
Sounds like all is well for the most part. Who da thought it was Dad messing up the computer all these years. Ha Ha Hope you can get that problem all sorted out…Well things are well here. Well, Justin is heading back out to Tennessee huh? How long until he does that? I’ll have to get his address so I can write him out there.
So Andy is going to be all alone after all. Huh? You should really consider getting a foreign exchange student for his junior year. It would give Andy some one to wrestle around with besides Dad, cause we don’t want the old man to get hurt, do we? Ha ha J/K But our family could be a good example for some kid from somewhere. I don’t know… Pray about it I guess.
So ya there are at l east two other Elder Flakes here and also an Elder ‘Fleek’ who I keep getting his mail…. I get my hopes up that I got a letter and it turns out to be for Elder Fleek. Ha it’s pretty funny actually. It’s happened a few times. I get to play basketball here every day almost and you know I love that.
Thanks for the sports updates. I actually think I met with that Tiulevea guy of BYU here. At least he was a really big guy and I think that was the name on his name tag.
Brian Lunt, a bud, from PVHS is now my next door neighbor. He’s the one that is going to Vancouver and talked to Lindsey about that the night she got back. I’m seeing people from Saint George everywhere up here! We’ll, thanks so much for the letters and backpack and treats! You’re super great!
Love, Elder Flake
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Email January 15, 2010
Hola! Things are muy biene up here at the MTC. L. Tom Perry came and spoke to us for our devotional on Tuesday! He spoke with power and it was easy to tell that he is a man of God. He basically gave us a demonstration of the perfect first lesson. It was cool. I've ran into two other Elder Flake's up here so that's pretty cool. Teaching in the TRC is pretty fun. We are still doing them in English for atleast the next two weeks so it's not too hard yet. Hope all is well with everyone!
Some people complain about the food here but I have loved every thing I've eaten here so far. I eat a ton but still haven't been able to gain a pound though... I'm getting a lot more out of my scripture study here and I'm trying to dig deeper into them. I get to play bball here almost every day so that is muy bueno. I love you all!
Love, Elder Flake
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Letter Jan. 11, 2010
The MTC is getting better and better. Thank you so much for the letters and cinnamon rolls! They were muy bien! But don’t worry about sending any more goodies because whenever a missionary leaves, they leave behind tons of treats and I already have a small pantry full. J
We had Elder Ringwood of the 70 come and speak to us but n o members of the 12 have come yet. The food is indeed amazing ! I eat at least two plates of food a day but I still haven't’ gained a pound!
My companion, Elder Pottorff is a cool guy and we work well together. My other roommates who are going to San Jose as well are really cool as well. Elder Bennett-who is from Springville and plays rugby and is the typical obsessed with his girlfriend missionary and Elder Simmons who is the typical strong, Idaho Farmer humble, sporty guy. My district is really tight over all.
Spanish is coming along
and the spirit here is incredible! I’m learning a lot about faith and being specific in goals and prayer. They are really focusing the work on teaching to the investigator—not just a memorized lesson plan.
Well I love and miss you and hope all is well! Thanks for taking care of that shot stuff and yes, Jungle Snubbies should go back to Alyce!
Love ya again,
Elder FlakeSaturday, January 9, 2010
January 8, Email
love, Elder Flake
We also received a letter from him on his second day (New Year's Eve) in the MTC:
Hey Family!
Wow this place is crazy! The spirit is so strong and everyone here is so nice! My comp is Elder Pottorff from Dallas, Texas. He's got a strong testimony and he'll be easy to get along with. :) He's not a very athletic dude, actually he's a computer genius, but I already love and respect him so it's all good. :)
My district is way tight as well. :) So for it's gone pretty slow but all the veterans here say it picks up after Sunday. It's awesome though and I can already kind of say a simple prayer in Spanish!
Let's See...Our P-days will be on Friday. I've seen a few people I know already, including Sister Belen and Nick Osmond.
The chocolate milk is truly delicious!
I love you all so much! The church is true!
Happy New Year!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
First Email January 2, 2009
Thank you for the letters and being wonderful people! So things here are wonderful:) My P-days will normally be on Fridays but this first week we just have a short one today. The first day or two was pretty rough here, but now that I'm getting into the swing of things, the MTC es fantastico! You learn so much everyday. It's loco.
My companion is Elder Pottroff from Dallas Texas. He's way smart and a super cool guy. My district is awesome as well. I've probably learned more espanol in the last 3 days than I did in my two whole years of high school:) not even kidding you. This place is insane. So many happy smiling people. I have not even seen or heard any negative words or actions yet.
So you named the cow after me huh? Bien bien. I'm excited to meet/eat it when I get home:) So ya things are great and la iglesia es verdad! I love you all so much!!!
Elder Dawson Flake

We picked up a cow from the church dairy on our way home from dropping Dawson off at the MTC. We will fatten it up while he is out on his mission for two years and when he comes home we will "kill the fatted calf" and celebrate his return. We named him "Nosewad" which is Dawson spelled backwards.
Dawson Enters the MTC

Dawson was to report to the MTC at 12:45 pm on December 30, 2009. We left St. George at 7:15 am and drove through a blizzard to get there. We met Danielle, Steve and Alexa at Mimi's restaurant at 11:30 am. We enjoyed a delicious brunch and Dawson's stomach was getting a little quizzy with nerves of excitement. Our friends the Saaralainens came by to say hello and good bye to Elder Flake. Then it was off to the MTC.
It was really snowy when we arrived so we didn't even take any picutres by the famous MTC sign. We did see Donny Osmond and his family taking picures and saying goodbye to a son. The parking attendant had served in the San Jose area and was very excited that Dawson was going there! We pulled up to the curb, unloaded the luggage, gave our last goodbyes, shed a few tears and felt the beautiful spirit of the MTC. So many young people so excited to serve their Lord. A constant flow of cars with family flowing with tears of bittersweet happiness and joy meandered out the MTC drive each filled with amazing faith to turn their young people over to the Lord for two years. This is the day that we have been preparing Dawson for since the day he was born. Every family night, daily scripture study, family prayer, Sunday meeting, and activity was in preparation for him to choose to serve the Lord. We are so proud of him and know that he is very well prepared. Dan broke down in tears as he mentioned to Dawson that he hadn't given him a lot of advice for the mission and that is because he is so much better prepared that Dan was...and we know that he will serve with all of his heart, mind, might and soul. See you in two years!