November 8, 2010
Hola Familia!
Just thought I’d send ya’ll something via snail mail to make mom happy because I haven’t in a while. It’s p-day and we’ve finally got email and shopping done and we still have not finished laundry. We use the English Elders machines because it’s free, but we can only do one load at a time so it’s a long process, especially since there are 3 of us these days. It’s pretty fun being in a threesome—rarely a dull moment.
And it’s also cool that I’m the least sporty of the 3 of us. Elder Simmons is all-state in Football, baseball and wrestling while Elder Quinn played football (QB) and ran track collegiately at BYU. It’s kind of weird cause he knows all of the players personally, but mostly it’s cool. So we all have a love for sports. The only time we get to play anything though is Saturday morning B-ball at the church. Usually 12 or so guys show up and it’s a blast @ 6:00 am. Most the guys who go are not members as well so that’s pretty cool. Elder Quinn is 6’3 and can dunk. Andrew is 6’3-can he dunk? So he’s still growing huh? Way to go bro! I’m super jealous. I’m still 5’11 ¾ and 157 lbs.
So Dad-You’re 50 something years old and you still got the desire to go out and play some ball. Way to be! I should start using you as an example of the blessings from obedience to the Word of Wisdom. J
So we had stake conference this past Sunday as well. Elder Whiting, from Hawaii, the presiding area 70 seemed really cool. He opened his talk with a warm A-lo-ha! Brought back some good memories of the islands…One thing he said reminded me of a blessing in disguise that we had as a family growing up. He said that when he was a newly called Bishop, he found out that upon his child’s Sunbeam instructor’s question of “What does your father do?” his child replied, “He sits on the couch and watches sports.” This caused Elder Whiting some years ago, to cancel his cable subscription. I’m very grateful for the environment that you and mom tried to create in our home. Instead of Monday Night Football-we had family night.
Also making things like: family scripture and prayer, eating dinner as a family and working together to stay unified--all priorities showed us kids the way families can be most happy/protected and also as a missionary, I can easily testify of any of these things we did as a family because you and mom lead the way. J
Well, thanks again for all you’ve done for me Dad and I hope that you can continue to have work in these difficult times and stay in shape for another decade or so; so we can have some more fun when I get back. J
Mom: Thank you also for making such a good team with Dad in following the prophet’s counsel of making our home a sure foundation. It sounds like you got a lot out of both general conference as well as stake conference. Thank you for being an example of a ‘feaster’ of the words of Christ. The primary song ‘Follow the Prophet, don’t go astray’ is so simple, but so true. I just finished the Book of Mormon along with the rest of the mission (making all ‘revelations’ in blue—a lot of my BOM is blue J and it is such a clear cut example of how when the people reject the prophets because they ‘forget’ the liberation from captivity of their fathers. I’m very excited to get the conference issue Ensign and go through all the talks again. I’ve kept the last conference addition because I went through and marked it all up and now it’s special to me.
So how’s school mom? I hope you are still enjoying helping all those kids of yours getting a better perspective on what this life is really all about. Thanks for your great example that you’ve been to me throughout my life. So many children have been blessed because of a mother’s righteous example; because they knew the way and their children followed (Alma 56: 47,48). I am blessed with one of those, like the 2,000 stripling warriors of old. Thanks mom, I love you. J
A-Town: You’re growin up in a scary world bro. Our generation is very confused. Maybe not so much back in Utah, but you can defiantly see out here in Cali that people don’t know that they are the sons and daughters of God
We are so blessed to be born in the gospel. To have the knowledge of what we have and the peace that comes with this knowledge. And we get to share it. J You are going to be a great missionary bro. Just keep doing the little things that make a big difference, like reading the scriptures and praying-every day.
Also, on a lighter note, have fun! Live it up! Not the way the world perceives fun, but true joy fun. It sounds like you are doing a lot of biking and climbing and that is awesome. One thing I regret not doing enough is going on group dates. Dad was right! :0 I was a little too scared of girls I think, and probably if I would have hung out less with the guys, and a little more doing group games with guys and girls, I would have had more fun and done less stupid stuff. Just a thought. J
So how do you like school? What’s your favorite class? Teacher? What do you do for lunch break? What’s a typical day after school for you? Who do you hang out with after school? How’s it being in the Priest Quorum? What is your favorite color? Still blue? Pues, I love you! Keep being awesome. J
So fam, I’m doing good. J I’m learning every day—I still got a long ways to go, but I’m learning. I know that God loves us so much that he allowed his son to suffer the pains of all the earth so that we can return and live with him as Eternal families. It was and is the only way. Thanks again so much for your love, prayers, and support.
Love, Elder Flake