Hey Fam, :)
It's P-day. This morning included helping a sister in the Branch move, e-mailing, and all you can eat Pizza! There's not much to do here in small town Hollister and Pres. Jackson has put a 7 mile radius P-day limit, so we can't really go anywhere else. but it's OK. Naps are a beautiful thing on the mission. and in P-days past we've played indoor soccer and basketball at the church with the English Elders here, who were pretty tight with some branch members. Bro. Miranda is one of which who you guys will have to meet either in this life or the next. He's our Branch Mission Leader and he's hilarious. He's a heavier set Mexican, but he can still PLAY soccer; just like every other Hispanic--it's in their blood.
So we're excited about the baptism of Rebbecca and Evan (Pictured with flour/Temptation Obedience game that I lost and had to dig out the chocolate kiss using only my mouth. :) They are good kids and they usually come to church with their active grandparents.
We are hoping that the baptism helps to reactivate the parents. How did Coleman's baptism go?
Other pictures include the baptism of Angeles. We were blessed to teach her. She was super prepared for the gospel and it helped her out a lot. Awesome to see. Also pictured is Renato, the gangster looking dude. He had come so far; overcoming so much then because of family pressure he told us he couldn't be baptized. So we are going to give him some time before going back and seeing what we can do to help him overcome his fears/doubts.
I have a lot of people to write back from the holidays.
Elder Simmons and I burned a shirt for our one year mark. :) Missionary traditions... One of my shirts got a big ink stain in the pocked (the victim) but all of my others are still in good shape.
So we don't have many investigators right now, but we do have a good list of potentials. We'll be doing some tracting and tyring to get some referrals from members the next couple of weeks.
I love you all and I'm very grateful for your prayers and all.
A-town, I expect a meaty hand written letter sometime next week, you hear me? Ha ha, thanks. :) Thank you Mom for your consistency--DAd, you could step it up too. :)
les Amo Muchisimo
Elder Flake
Spiritual Thought: What is there to hope for? Moroni 7:41
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