Hello from Hollister :)
This week was kind of crazy because first we had an all day trainer-trainee meeting in San Jose and the next day I went on a 24 hour exchange with one of our zone leaders, Elder Cornaby, back in Gilroy. He is a great Elder and it was a good experience. He was very good at hunting Hispanics, Using almost all of the 5 senses:) Down here in Hollister, we've been getting used to being in a 3-some. We feel like a small army, especially when we have a member with us. So it's a little different, but kind of fun. We still feel we need to reinforce our foundation (Our members) before we can start having people line up at the baptismal font, so we are going to bless alot of members homes and try and get them more excited about coming to church and doing missionary work. We found quite a few promising potentials tracting this week, including a few families, so that was good. We also got a few doors slammed in our faces this week... it happens.
I don't know if I've said much about Renato or not, but he's an investigator who we've been working with quite a bit. He's got problems ( hears voices in his head and is an avid smoker, ) but he's a really nice guy and wants to better himself. We promised him that if he did the BIG 3 (pray, read, and go to church) that Jesus Christ would help him quit smoking and be happier. He seemed excited to give it a try. Well I'd like to give my congratulations to Jason on his call:) Do work Jason-ba! I look forward to you joining me in the Lord's vineyard. It's a good place to be :)
I don't know if I've said much about Renato or not, but he's an investigator who we've been working with quite a bit. He's got problems ( hears voices in his head and is an avid smoker, ) but he's a really nice guy and wants to better himself. We promised him that if he did the BIG 3 (pray, read, and go to church) that Jesus Christ would help him quit smoking and be happier. He seemed excited to give it a try. Well I'd like to give my congratulations to Jason on his call:) Do work Jason-ba! I look forward to you joining me in the Lord's vineyard. It's a good place to be :)
Well, Thanks for all your prayers,
Love Elder Flake
Love Elder Flake
They just keep trying so hard and I admire the determination to strengthen their "foundation"...also just love this photo of him.