Hey Fam.
Thanks for the e-mails. Jamie got baptized and confirmed this weekend! Yea! She asked me to baptize her and it was a great experience! She was really nervous, and wasn't comfortable being in front of half the ward who showed up, but she went through with it :) She's got a long, tough road ahead of her with her family situation and all the temptations for young people that are out there in today's world, but she just made a BIG step in the right direction, and with the Holy Ghost as her guide, she can come off conquer. I will send pics in a letter this week. And I sent Andy Rew a letter that should be arriving any day, with a memory card. Yea Baptisms!
We finally got all the paper work we need to be able to marry Reina and Odilia to their husbands! We are planning a double wedding + a tripple baptism this weekend! Exciting times! Also being baptized this coming weekend back in good ol' Hollister is Salvador! The times might just work out that I can be at both baptisms! Espero que si con todo mi corazon! So to answer some of your Q's Mom, Yes, I am in pretty good biking shape, but running shape, probably not.
The new mission president will be arriving on June 28th, the same day President Jackson is going back to AZ. I will be saying bye to Pres. Jackson this Thursday at a Zone Confrence. Actually I will probably see him one more time at a leadership meeting the next week. 3 things I learned from President Jackson? 1. Boldness. I am called of God and my authority is above that of the kings of the earth. 2. Humor. A little humor goes a long way. A lot of humor will take you even farther ;) 3. Be Yourself. If you feel like busting out into song, go for it! He did it all the time, in front of hundreds of people:) God gave us each a certain personality, there is no sense in trying to hide it or change who we are. Ha ha, one thing I will look for in a wife that Sister Jackson has? Positive attitude. It's no fun being a downer. Like Sister Jackson always says: It's a beautiful day! Every day is a beautiful day in the California San Jose Mission!
Other news, We are moving into a new apartment next Monday. I will e-mail you the new address next week. Elder Mote and I are excited because it's a huge upgrade from what we are living in now. It's newer, will have a dishwasher, washer, dryer, + a wood burning fire place- none of witch we have now. The washer dryer will save us $20 a month. Cha-Ching! Well I best be going. I give my congrats to Rebecca. Spanish speaking! Woo! El idioma de los Dioses! Also congrats to Darrell and Eve. I recieved their wedding announcement. They look like a cute couple (Darrell probably hates me for saying that ;) Well fam, thank you for your support in all forms. You are the best of the best.
Love Elder Flake
Happy Birthday Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17! Live it up bro!
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