Hey Mom :)
We had a pretty good week. Saturday for the California wide Helping Hands day we helped repaint and cleanup a baptist church. Then we had a BBQ after. So we had Baptist's at our BBQ ;)
The glasses came and they work perfectly. Thank you. We went to west pinnacles for P-day today. A member took us. It was nice to hike around in the beautiful outdoors. I'm excited to talk to ya'll next Sunday! We still haven't found anywhere to skype yet, but we are going to ask a few more members this week. Around 4 p.m should work. I will call ahead before to let you know if we are going to skype or whatever. Let me know how Craig's surgery goes.
Well let the Angels kiss you and the Devils miss you, ok? Ha ha some cool white lady in a power chair that we contacted told us that the other day. Well lots of love and we'll talk to you soon. Love Elder Flake
Alexa swims? Bin Laden was killed!?! What's going on in the world! We have one of the greatest families of all time, don't we? I tell people that all the time out here. I'm excited to talk to you Sunday!
Love Elder Flake
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:45 AM, Danielle Jackson <daniellejackson825@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Elder Flake!
What's new?? I suppose you've heard the news that Osama Bin Laden was found and killed. So far it seems to be bringing more unity in the USA. That's good! In our news, not much new. I started my second class, Parenting Skills, which is only three Saturdays for a couple hours. Alexa finished her swim lessons. Steve is writing a book. We are all doing great! We are excited to hear your voice on Sunday! We have a wonderful mother don't we!! We are lucky to have the parents we have and for being brought up so well! Keep up the good work that I'm sure you're doing! We love you tons!
The Jacksons!!!
Elder Flake's letters always make me smile. Long or short...it makes no difference. His spirit just uplifts and inspires.