Happy cows come from California!
Oh, I found out that I'm allergic to cats! whenever we're in a house with a cat; my nose just gets bugged a bit- no big deal. Mexicans like dogs (mainly chihuahuas) over cats anyways.
People give me a hard time about my name (Flake) all the time--mostly white people cause Mexicans don't know what it means, but some Hispanics make the connection between 'Flake' and the Spanish word 'Flaco' which means really skinny. So in both cultures people find a way to poke fun at the family name.
The mission got a little tougher with my call to be District Leader. Just becaue now I have to prepare District Meetings and our lessons for our investigators, but the Lord qualifies whom he calls, so I just got to step up and have faith. I've got my first Baptismal interview to do this week, but is should be fun. We'll keep having fun and keeping the commandments.
Elder Flake