Another good week:) We are getting more men from the branch helping out, and we have a list of all the spanish speakers from the rest of the stake that we've already dipped into a couple times. It's always nice to have a non-missionary with us at a lesson and a few of our investigators don't have an adult male in the home so it helps us to get into their homes. Hence we had 9 member present lessons this week, the most I've ever had. Hopefully these members catch the joy of being in the Lord's service and will continue to help us out.
With the Branch we are still trying to get all we can ready for the stake temple day on the 28th of July. We've been visiting their homes and watching a 10 minute temple video called 'Between Heaven and Earth'. Many of our members have never been into the temple so this should be really good for the branch. With the World Cup started I'm kind of nervous to see how the church turn out will be this Sunday. I've heard it's not pretty. But we are using it to our advantage by having a Father's Day BBQ/World Cup party this Saturday that we should get a good turn out for:)
Stake Conference was this last Sunday. There was a 70 presiding, I don't recall his name but he was a former mission president in Ukraine and he told a really funny story called 'balcony Faith' that i'll have to tell you someday. He was awesome. We are still working with Xochitl and Alex, and we picked up a few more new investigators that we are excited about. Hope you had a great B-day Andy and Happy Fathers Day Dad and all other Dad's as well.
Love Elder Flake
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Working hard and having fun...typical Elder Flake! I forwarded his letter with a few pictures to E. Andersen today. He'll love it.