Congrats Lindsey and Carlton!
I'm glad that Lindsey was better for the wedding and that everything went well. The power and spirit of the Temple! It's a beautiful thing. Well we had a very powerful experience here yesterday. We were teaching a young, 20 year old married mother named Cristian the first. I guess she has been taught a few times and has been attending church on and off for the past 10 years ( Her grandma that she is living with is a very strong member of our branch). She pretty much knew the church was true, but she was scared or timid about committing. We had an awesome supporting cast there consisting of President Clark ( a former Mission Pres. in Spain) + the Gonzalez duo- our second counselor and the relief society president. Everyone was chipping in and the spirit was strong. Then I read the first vision while holding the picture of Joseph in the Grove and the Spirit hit us all, hard. Cristian began to cry and explained that she had never felt this before and Pres. Clark explained it was the Spirit and what it meant and then Elder Medrano hit her with the baptisimal commitment. It was beautiful. So she is getting dunked on the 24th of July. I've been waiting for a lesson like that for a long time. I love being a missionary. Thanks for all of your love and support.
I'm glad that Lindsey was better for the wedding and that everything went well. The power and spirit of the Temple! It's a beautiful thing. Well we had a very powerful experience here yesterday. We were teaching a young, 20 year old married mother named Cristian the first. I guess she has been taught a few times and has been attending church on and off for the past 10 years ( Her grandma that she is living with is a very strong member of our branch). She pretty much knew the church was true, but she was scared or timid about committing. We had an awesome supporting cast there consisting of President Clark ( a former Mission Pres. in Spain) + the Gonzalez duo- our second counselor and the relief society president. Everyone was chipping in and the spirit was strong. Then I read the first vision while holding the picture of Joseph in the Grove and the Spirit hit us all, hard. Cristian began to cry and explained that she had never felt this before and Pres. Clark explained it was the Spirit and what it meant and then Elder Medrano hit her with the baptisimal commitment. It was beautiful. So she is getting dunked on the 24th of July. I've been waiting for a lesson like that for a long time. I love being a missionary. Thanks for all of your love and support.
Elder Flake
Hey fam, I love ya. Thank you Carlton for taking my sis to the Temple. I know you two will find success and happiness through out all this life and eternity. Please send Butch my congrats on the call. I'm glad Mom, that you can now relax and enjoy the rest of summer. I love you all tan mucho. Elder FlakeHey Dad:) Sam turned up again huh? Ha ha! That little rascal. I'm gald you had a nice Fathers Day- you deserved it. Hope you and A-Town had a fun time camping. With love, your son.
On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Dan wrote:
Hey Dawson, I was just here at the comp when we got this email from you . Sorry I ddnt take time to write this morning. It has been a busy day with work and trying to help mom with the weddingI was outside doing yard work and ran into our old friend Sam the turttle. He has been missing for 2 years.Thanks very much for the fathers day letter. It was the perfect thing to get for fathers day. I had a wonderful day with all the praise from family, I am a very lucky man to have such wonderful children. Have a great day Love DAD