Things are still going well here in Hollister. We got 10 member present lessons this week and 5 investigators at church which are both the most I've ever had. Hopefully we didn't tire out our members. We mostly use the men that are currently unemployed to help us out. Sean Fisher, the recently returned missionary has also helped us out a lot. It's good for our investigators to see members who are real people:)
Marcia, the aunt of a member in our branch, should be getting baptized this Sunday. We should have quite a few baptisms coming up in October as well. This area has a lot more going on than the last one I was in and it makes things exciting:)
We're still not sure what we are going to do for P-day. We probably should tidy up the apartment a bit... Elder Golden, another 70, is coming to speak to the mission Tuesday. Then we got a Temple trip planned for the 29th and then there is conference. Fun stuff:) I can talk to people in Spanish:) It's fun;) I'm glad that guys had a good time in Hawaii & I'm super glad that you're all having opportunities to do missionary work! Keep it up!
Love Elder Flake
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