Sounds like you are all doing well :) Ya, it's too bad about them cougars, (At least I'm out here and don't have to suffer through watching them get whooped:) we have a white member of our branch who gives us an update on them every week when we eat over at their place. Brother Tomlinson is his name and he and his wife are both really good cooks and they are fun.
So Elder Simmons and I are both staying here together for our 6th transfers. And Elder Simmons is going to be the new District Leader! He was really suprised but he'll do a great job. I had a really good teaching experience on exchanges in the English program this week. It was a part-member newly wed couple- the wife is less active and the husband, Collin, didn't know much about the church or God in general. It was a fun, spirit filled lesson. It was really cool to see his response to some of life's great questions answered so simply through our doctrine. Then the next day I took over the Spanish area on exchanges again with Elder Fultz this time. It was a little harder being the only one who could speak Spanish, but it went ok.
We also had a part in a miracle in Guadalajara, Mexico this week. The nonmember brother of Hermana Ibanez in our branch lives there and something went wrong with his lungs so he got put in to the hospital and Hermana Ibanez called us and we went over and I had the idea to try and get a hold of the missionaries there in Mexico to go give him a blessing so we called our mission office to get the number of that mission and then we dialed what must have been like the 20 digit number to get a hold of the Guadalajara mission office and they sent the missionaries to the hospital and gave him a blessing and now he is recovering and wants to meet with the missionaries. It was just crazy to see how our church really is world-wide and we could even pull something like that off. I'm really excited to go through the temple again this Wednesday. It's been 6 months. Then of course we have General Conference this weekend so it should be a great week:) And yes Mom, I got the camera memory card and the package:) Thank you very much-everything was fine. Give Grandma my thanks as well please- those Flake bars are cool;) Tell Megan congrats on getting hitched for me as well please. Well, I love you Mom. I'll try to send you the memory card this week if not the next. Peace and Blessings!
Hey Lindz!
Thanks for the e-mail! I've been meaning to write you but it just seems like there is never enough time to write! I'll try to get you a letter this week. It sounds like u and Carlton are doing great and a lot of good in the big city:) Sounds like it's going to be a great experience for you. I'm doing good:)
My 6th transfer just started today and I'm making some goals to improve my efforts. Life as a missionary is great. I'm super excited to go to the temple this week + conference this weekend. We are starting to teach 2 really cool guys - one of them is a minister in a Christian church, hence he knows the Bible really well, hence we got our cool stake president to come with us this week to our appointment with him. We're excited for that. Then the other guy is this 79 year old man named Elias. He has some awesome inspiring stories and has a really strong spirit about him. Well I love you Lindz! Tell Carlton hi :)