Hola! This week was pretty crazy. As a mission we had a goal of getting 20,000 contacts this past week. That's 34 contacts a day per companionship. Tracting wasn't giving us enough people, so the last couple days we had to cram in a ton of contacts by handing out pass-along cards in the parking lot of the mall. We talked to 78 people in one of the days. Contacting is pretty fun. So because of this activity we have a ton of people we get to teach now. So this week should be a bit different. It will be cool to see the fruits of this inspired activity. I got to play some b-ball with some Elders from my zone this morning. It was fun. Sorry this is short but I got to go. Pray always, Love Elder Flake
Lindsey and Carlton are running a marathon?! Awesome! Ya Andy, I think you could do it if you trained good. Your still young, your body can take it. Sounds like you got a pretty big job ahead of you Dad. Good luck. Portland sounded fun. Sorry about the rain. It was raining quite a bit here for a while, but these past few days have been very nice. I have a couple funny stories but I'll have to send them to you in a letter plus some pics:)
Love ya tons
Dawson looks great...and so happy! Thanks for letting us follow.