Elder Flake and Elder Burton
They must be in California now...low riders and missionaries with attitudes!

Thursday was awesome. We got 2 families, 7 new investigators that day! But then one of the fams, a grandma, mom and 3 kids dropped us 3 days later :( She said her husband didn't want us over... They were so golden too. And the other family was a mom and her 16 year old son Gabriel, cool kid. They weren't there for our last appointment so that's not a good sign but we're trying them again today. We had an awesome first lesson with them. I shared the first vision then bore my testimony about Joseph Smith and the restoration in Spanish:) It felt really good and we know they felt the Spirit. So Our District got to go up to the Oakland Temple Tuesday! (Which day was also our P-day) It is BBBEEAAUUtiful! Up on this green hill overlooking the whole bay area. We did a session then watched the family presentation (Where you rotate through the different rooms/videos - they have the same one in STG) at the visitor center. It brought the Spirit and was awesome. I love you family! And I love the happiness of this Gospel! So we took BART, this commuter train thing-fun:), and a bus there and back. After the temple, we were at the bus stop right before the bus arrived, and it started to hail like mad. It was crazy. Oakland is pretty ghetto. So the work might be pickin up a little now, so we'll hope that continues. Hope everyone is stoked for conference! Happy Easter!!!
Love, Elder Flake
Hi fam I love you:) Thanks for fasting with me last Sunday. Just a few matters of business... I will send the watch for Drew :) cause I got 2!!! nice rhyme eh? you should have gotten my letter with a pic card by now or else something is amiss. And I hope Dani had a happy b-day and wish Brandy a happy B-day from me too. So I've been out a month now, crazy, Huh? I haven't received a package yet from you but I look forward to it's arrival. Hope you guys get to watch all 10 hours of conference and have a happy Easter! I hope you are feeling better Mom. I love you all tons and stuff!
Hi fam I love you:) Thanks for fasting with me last Sunday. Just a few matters of business... I will send the watch for Drew :) cause I got 2!!! nice rhyme eh? you should have gotten my letter with a pic card by now or else something is amiss. And I hope Dani had a happy b-day and wish Brandy a happy B-day from me too. So I've been out a month now, crazy, Huh? I haven't received a package yet from you but I look forward to it's arrival. Hope you guys get to watch all 10 hours of conference and have a happy Easter! I hope you are feeling better Mom. I love you all tons and stuff!
Elder Flake
Response to Steve:
Wow, thanks for sharing that experience from your mission. That's cool. I haven't had any frying pan in the head experiences yet, but I've had a lot of little ones. One was yesterday while me and my comp were in the Celestial room of the beautiful Oakland Temple. We were thinking about what we needed to do for one of our investigator families, and the thought came to get them up to the visitor center there. And I shared that with my comp and he just smiled cause that is exactly what he was thinking. So hopefully we can do that. A pic Dani sent me looks like you might have a mustache but I can't really tell... It's pretty week if it is ;) Ha ha j/k at least you can grow one. So you'll have to let me know if Duke seals the deal. My money's on Mich st. You'll have to let me know how them Jazz are doing. I heard we traded Brewer... Well thanks again for the e-mail. If you have a better pic of your stache you'll have to send it ;) O and for exercise in the mornings me and my comp go shoot at the church and I've been working on changing my shot to normal! After all these years! If it turns out to be successful you better watch out in a couple of years :) Well have a nice break from school! Love Elder Flake
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Response to Steve:
Wow, thanks for sharing that experience from your mission. That's cool. I haven't had any frying pan in the head experiences yet, but I've had a lot of little ones. One was yesterday while me and my comp were in the Celestial room of the beautiful Oakland Temple. We were thinking about what we needed to do for one of our investigator families, and the thought came to get them up to the visitor center there. And I shared that with my comp and he just smiled cause that is exactly what he was thinking. So hopefully we can do that. A pic Dani sent me looks like you might have a mustache but I can't really tell... It's pretty week if it is ;) Ha ha j/k at least you can grow one. So you'll have to let me know if Duke seals the deal. My money's on Mich st. You'll have to let me know how them Jazz are doing. I heard we traded Brewer... Well thanks again for the e-mail. If you have a better pic of your stache you'll have to send it ;) O and for exercise in the mornings me and my comp go shoot at the church and I've been working on changing my shot to normal! After all these years! If it turns out to be successful you better watch out in a couple of years :) Well have a nice break from school! Love Elder Flake
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