Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 25, 2011 Email

The computers here in the Hollister Library have been having issues so that why I have been e-mailing on weird days. Hopefully it will not be a continued problem. This will probably be my last week serving with Elder Simmons. He's been here for over 7 months and we've been companions for over 5! I've probably spent more time with him than any one outside of our immediate family! 5 months of 24/7 together adds up... We've had fun and had some success together.

So we started over with David and Isabel's family and last night we gave them a brand new baptismal calendar with the baptismal date for the 5th of March. They think that it might be a little soon, but with prayer and work on their part as well as ours we hope to see some miracles.

The Lord has definitely blessed us with beautiful weather this past week with 60's and 70's all day long. And it's supposed to stay the same for the coming week, before going back to the usual rainy winter days.

Ha ha, Elder Simmons found that shiny green suit and it's created, as Elder Wynn from Hollister first ward called it, "The Elderhood of the traveling suit" :) We take turns wearing it to District Meetings.

I got the Flake Family newsletter today- congrats Jason! You're gonna do great! Well thanks for everything Mom, I did get the contacts and I probably will buy a new camera this coming P-day. Lot's of Love!
-Elder Flake

Hey Dad:) Thanks for the e-mail. This week wasn't too eventful. A lot of our appointments fell through and a couple people dropped us :( We saw some Miracles at church though- We went by 2 inactives this past week- and they both showed up to church! One of them, a lady named Antonia, hadn't been in years! And they both had a good experience there! Yea!

I'm almost done reading Jesus the Christ. It's so sad and amazing to me how His chosen people rejected him after seeing so many miracles... But He is risen! And the Hope that that brings is more amazing! He is our Hope( Moroni 7 40-41 ).

Well I got to get going but thanks for everything and I pray that you'll be blessed with more work. There are a lot of branch members with out work here... But it's ok cause they have the Gospel :) Have a good week,

Love Elder Flake

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